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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Another blog about Crushed Cola Nuts

Holistic RemedyWeight Loss Magic Pills

"While there are no real magic pills, shortcuts or hidden-secrets to dropping excess fat, I've found that there are a few simple things you should remember that can help a lot."

While there are no real magic pills, shortcuts or hidden-secrets to dropping excess fat, I've found that there are a few simple things you should remember that can help a lot.

  1. Make the time to train, eat, and supplement properly. If this is a priority in your life, then treat it as one. Leave the excuses to someone else.

  2. Use variation in all aspects of your program (training, diet, and supplementation) both to keep things fresh for you mentally and to prevent your body from adjusting and plateauing.

  3. Set realistic long-term and short-term goals for yourself. Make them concrete by writing them down and reminding yourself of them daily.

  4. Chart your course in detail. It's not enough to say I want to lose 20 lbs. in the next 12 weeks. You need to address what you need to do each month, each week, each day to help you get there.

  5. Remember that on a very basic level dropping fat and staying healthy is a relatively simple proposition. Its not about taking pills. Those that are successful at it are those who want it more than they want to eat poorly or live an inactive lifestyle. It may sound harsh but there's a lot of truth there.

  6. Do it for yourself and no one else. Being unselfish in life is a wonderful thing, but getting your body fit and healthy is a gift you can and should give yourself.

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"Forget the complex diets, weight loss is about intelligent and committed effort."

  1. Focus your meals around lean sources of protein such as: white chicken and turkey meat, lean cuts of beef, egg whites, tuna and other fish, etc.

  2. Don't be afraid of all fats. We've been brainwashed into thinking that all forms of fat in the diet are unhealthy and can lead to excess bodyfat. This simply isn't true. In fact, your body needs fat in order to burn fat, otherwise it will shift into preservation mode and attempt to maintain existing fat stores. It's true that you should watch your intake of saturated fat, but taking in so-called "good" fats (ie: those found in nuts, olive oil, flax seed, fish oils, etc.) can have a very positive effect on weightloss and overall health.

  3. Move your carbohydrate intake away from foods that spike a high insulin response in the body to foods that offer more quality fuel for long-lasting energy. To simplify, try to limit your intake of processed carbs like breads, pastas, refined sugar products, etc.; instead, eat more unprocessed carbs like fruits and vegetables. If it comes in a box (crackers, cereal, pasta, cookies), forget it or at least only eat it in moderation. In fact, if there's one thing you can do that will have a significant, positive, and lasting effect on your health and bodyfat percentages, it's shifting your carbohydrate intake away from processed foods and towards natural fruits and vegetables.

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About The Author

At you can save money on the vitamins and fitness products you need to be your best everyday! Learn what to use and when to use it. We have great prices on vitamins, minerals, muscle products, weight loss - everything you need!

Celebrity Apprentice

Sat, 02 Feb 2008 03:02:00 EDT
Marilu just considered all of that nuts, and didn't want to focus on it. She didn't know what to make of the guy. ... Piers later confided that this was one of the happiest moments of his life, seeing how he had crushed the girls with his revelation....

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